IAPR TC11 Newsletter 2024 06

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June, 2024

Click on the buttons below to view sections of the newsletter.

  • Message from the Editor
  • Dates and Deadlines
    • Deadlines
    • Upcoming Conferences and Events
  • Open Call for Organizing DAR Events *(repost)*
  • Postdoctoral position in Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Document Analysis in Luleå, Sweden
  • PhD position in Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Document Analysis in Luleå, Sweden
  • ICPR 2024 - Call for Papers - Second-round Submission *(repost)*
  • Datasets
    • TC11 Datasets Repository
      • Recently published datasets
      • Where to share datasets

Dear TC11 members,

We have new –publicly available– dataset contributions that are suited for various research problems in the field of document analysis and recognition. Make sure you check the “Recently published datasets” section to learn more about those datasets.

This newsletter issue also includes new job offers for both post-doc and PhD positions at LTU in Luleå, Sweden.

We also re-post here the open call for organizing our major DAR events that will be held in the coming years, and the final call for the second round paper submission for ICPR 2024.

Nibal Nayef, TC11 Communication Officer
( n.nayef@gmail.com )

Join us! If you are not already a member of the TC11 community, please consider joining the TC11 mailing list. Follow us on X (Twitter) (iapr_tc11): https://twitter.com/iapr_tc11



  • July 5 Second round paper submission for ICPR 2024

Upcoming Conferences and Events


  • TPDL 2024. Ljubljana, Slovenia (September 24-27, 2024)
  • ICDAR 2024. Athens, Greece (August 30 - September 4, 2024)
  • ICPR 2024. Kolkata, India (December 01-05, 2024)

The IAPR technical committees on graphics recognition (TC10) and reading systems (TC11) are regularly organizing scientific events for the Document Analysis and Recognition (DAR) community, including the ICDAR flagship conference.

In addition to specific calls for bids to host one of the events, we encourage teams to announce their interest in organizing one of the following events:

  • ICDAR: International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (annually; next possibility in 2027)
  • DAS: International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (satellite event of ICDAR in even years; next possibility in 2026)
  • GREC: International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (satellite event of ICDAR in odd years; next possibility in 2025)
  • SSDA: Summer School on Document Analysis (biannually in odd years; next possibility in 2025)

You may find the details of each specific call in the previous or future issues of this newsletter or in the respective websites of each event.

Anyone interested in hosting one of these events is invited to announce their interest via email to jean-christophe.burie@univ-lr.fr and andreas.fischer@unifr.ch, in order to receive feedback and support for preparing a proposal.

Jean-Christophe Burie (Chair, TC10)
Andreas Fischer (Chair, TC11)

The Machine Learning Research subject at LTU has an open scholarship position available in the area of Machine Learning and Computer Vision with a focus on Document Analysis. We offer state-of-the-art resources for performing research and a good academic network in Sweden and abroad. The Post-Doc Scholarship is for two years, and is for work in Luleå, Sweden.

The postdoctoral researcher will work with Professor Elisa Barney on computer vision research to use Machine learning and Image Processing on historical documents. Potential techniques include unsupervised learning, one-shot learning and quick system adaptation. Document comparison and retrieval are also topics of interest. The Post-Doc should furthermore strongly participate in acquisition of future projects, which could lead to an extension of the position.

To qualify for a position as a postdoctoral research fellow on scholarship, you must have a PhD or equivalent in the fields of computer science, computer engineering or electrical engineering, although a researcher from the humanities with a strong technical background would be considered. We are looking for an enthusiastic candidate capable of conducting state-of-the-art research as demonstrated through a record of peer reviewed publications. We expect candidates to have a good knowledge of English both in speech and writing and have the capacity to work independently as well as in teams. As LTU is very strong in application-oriented research, industrial experience is very welcome. The Machine Learning group is very diverse and welcomes diverse applicants.

We prefer that you apply for this position through the web link below. The application must include a CV and a personal letter stating topics you propose to work on including how they fit in with current research in the ML group and of Professor Elisa Barney in particular, and how you view the role of a postdoctoral researcher as part of a research team. Also include copies of verified diplomas from universities. Your application, including diplomas, must be written in English. Mark your application with the reference number below.

For further information, please contact: Professor Elisa Barney, elisa.barney@ltu.se

Applicants will be reviewed as they come in. Final day to apply: 2024-09-15

Reference number: 1811-2024

Apply here: https://bit.ly/4eauhGG

The Machine Learning Research subject at LTU has an open PhD position in the area of Machine Learning and Computer Vision with a focus on Document Analysis. We offer state-of-the-art resources for performing research and a good academic network in Sweden and abroad.

The doctoral student will work with Professor Elisa Barney on computer vision research to use Machine learning and Image Processing on historical documents. Potential techniques include unsupervised learning, one-shot learning and quick system adaptation. Document comparison and retrieval are also topics of interest.

The candidate is expected to perform both experimental and theoretical work as well as communicate results at national and international conferences and in scientific journals. The PhD position is a full time position for 4 years and comes with full Swedish social benefits for you, and if applicable your family. Most of your working time will be devoted to your own research studies, within a team of other PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. If the candidate participates in departmental activities, like teaching, this can be extended to 5 years. Work is to be done in Luleå, Sweden.

We are looking for a very motivated and enthusiastic doctoral student who wants to conduct state-of-the-art research. You must have a master’s degree in computer science or similar subject. Experience with machine learning, deep learning and statistics is required. You must have good knowledge of English in both speech and writing and have the capacity to work independently as well as in teams. As LTU is very strong in application-oriented research, industrial experience is very welcome. The Machine Learning group is very diverse and welcomes diverse applicants.

Applications for this position should be made through the web link below. The application must include a CV and a personal letter stating how your experience gives you background to work on topics being worked on by Prof Barney. Also include copies of verified diplomas from high schools and universities. Your application, including diplomas, must be written in English or Swedish. Mark your application with the reference number below.

For further information, please contact: Professor Elisa Barney, elisa.barney@ltu.se

Applicants will be reviewed as they come in. Final day to apply: 2024-08-30

Reference number: 2011-2024

Apply here: https://bit.ly/3VblXOh

The International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) is the flagship conference of the International Association of Pattern Recognition and the premier conference in Pattern Recognition, covering Computer Vision, Machine learning, Image, Speech, Sensor pattern processing etc. ICPR 2024 is the 27th event of the series which will be held at Kolkata, India during December 1-5, 2024. ICPR will also celebrate its 50th year during ICPR 2024.

Conference website: https://icpr2024.org/index.html
Contact: icpr2024@gmail.com or icpr2024@isical.ac.in

This conference provides a great opportunity to nurture new ideas and collaborations for students, academics, and industry researchers. ICPR-2024 will cover the following six tracks:

  • Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
  • Computer and Robot Vision
  • Image, Speech, Signal and Video Processing
  • Biometrics and Human Computer Interaction
  • Document Analysis and Recognition
  • Biomedical Imaging and Bioinformatics

The main conference has several highlights, including keynotes by top experts, invited talks by academic and industry professionals, oral paper presentation, poster paper presentation, etc. ICPR-2024 will also have many Workshops and Tutorials.

Because of several requests as well as to enrich the technical program, ICPR-2024 is having second-round submissions like other popular conferences. Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers in the second-round submissions of ICPR-2024.

Important deadlines for ICPR-2024 (second round submissions) are as follows:

  • Second round paper submission deadline: July 05, 2024
  • Second round acceptance notification: August 20, 2024
  • Camera-ready submission: August 31, 2024

Second-round Submission and Review:
ICPR-2024 will follow a single-blind review process. Authors can include their names and affiliations in the manuscript. Also, the authors can submit their arXiv papers in ICPR-2024.

Papers for second round should be submitted using this link:

Paper Format and Length:
Springer LNCS format with maximum 15 pages (including references) during paper submission. There is no minimum page limit. To take care of reviewers’ comments, one more page is allowed (without any charge) during camera ready submission.

Springer LNCS paper formatting instructions and templates for ICPR-2024 are available on the ICPR 2024 website.

Participation and Paper Presentation Mode:
ICPR 2024 will be held in hybrid mode. However the organizer of ICPR encouraged the participants to attend the conference physically. Each accepted paper should have at least one author registration at the full rate (member or non-member). A full rate registration can cover a maximum of two papers (it may be two main conference papers, or one main conference paper and one workshop paper). Student registration only allows attending the conference and presenting papers, does not allow including paper in the proceedings. If an author cannot attend physically after registration, a proxy can be entrusted to present the paper physically. Otherwise, the authors can present it online. All no-show papers will be excluded from the conference proceedings.

ICPR 2024 has a separate page for second round submission. Here is the link of the second round submission page:

We look forward to your participation in ICPR 2024.

With regards,
Umapada Pal, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India
Josef Kittler, University of Surrey, UK
Anil Jain, Michigan State University, USA
(ICPR-2024 General Chairs)


Rama Chellappa, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Apostolos Antonacopoulos, University of Salford, UK
Cheng-Lin Liu, Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Subhasis Chaudhuri, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
(ICPR-2024 Program Chairs)

TC11 Datasets Repository

Recently published datasets

M-POPP datasets: Datasets for full page text recognition and information extraction from French handwritten and printed marriage records.

  • Contributed: 2024-05-25
  • Keywords: handwriting recognition, named entity recognition, information extraction, document understanding

BRESSAY: A Brazilian Portuguese Dataset for Offline Handwritten Text Recognition

  • Contributed: 2024-06-08
  • Keywords: computer vision, brazilian portuguese essays, handwritten text recognition

MapText: ICDAR’24 Competition on Historical Map Text Detection and Recognition

  • Contributed: 2024-06-14
  • Keywords: Text detection, text recognition, text linking, historical maps

Where to share datasets

Did you know it? We have two official places for datasets:
- Our historical platform for storage and listing: http://datasets.iapr-tc11.org

TC11 maintains a collection of datasets that can be found online in the TC11 Datasets Repository.

If you have new datasets (e.g., from competitions) that you wish to share with the research community, please use the online upload form. For questions and support, please contact the TC11 Dataset Curator (contact information is below).

Joseph Chazalon (TC11 Dataset Curator)
( joseph.chazalon@lrde.epita.fr )

Call for Contributions: To contribute news items, please send a short email to the editor, [Nibal Nayef](mailto:n.nayef@gmail.com). Contributions might include conference and workshop announcements/updates/reports, career opportunities, book reviews, or anything else of interest to the TC-11 community.

Subscription: This newsletter is sent to subscribers of the IAPR TC11 mailing list. To join the TC-11 mailing list, please click on this link: Join the TC-11 Mailing List. To manage your subscription, please visit the mailing list homepage: TC-11 Mailing List Homepage.