# IAPR TC-11 (Reading Systems) Newsletter ## October, 2021 **Online, phone-friendly version:** [October 2021 Newsletter](http://www.iapr-tc11.org/mediawiki/index.php?title=IAPR_TC11_Newsletter_2021_10) **TC-11:** [TC-11 Homepage](http://www.iapr-tc11.org)    **Twitter:** [iapr_tc11](https://twitter.com/iapr_tc11) ### TABLE OF CONTENTS - Message from the Editor - Dates and Deadlines - Deadlines - Upcoming Conferences and Events - Conferences - Call for Hosting Proposals: ICDAR 2025 *(repost)* - Call for Papers: 15th International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2022) *(repost)* - Call for Papers: 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2022) *(repost)* - Call for Papers: 20th Conference of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS 2021) *(repost)* - Careers - IRISA/INSA Rennes (France): Research Engineer/PostDoc Position (2.5 Years) *(repost)* - Datasets - TC11 Datasets Repository *(repost)* Message from the Editor ======================= Dear TC11 members, This newsletter contains mostly reposts with minor updates. We would like to highlight the paper submission deadline of [DAS 2022](https://das2022.univ-lr.fr/), which has been set to January 4, 2022, and the PostDoc position at IRISA/INSA (Rennes, France) related to optical music recognition. **Andreas Fischer, TC11 Communications Officer** ( ) **Join us!** If you are not already a member of the TC11 community, please consider joining the [TC11 mailing list](https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=iapr-tc11&A=1). **Follow us on Twitter (iapr_tc11):** Dates and Deadlines =================== Deadlines --------- **2022** - **January 4** Paper submission [DAS 2022](https://das2022.univ-lr.fr/) - **January 8** Paper abstract submission [IGS 2021](https://www.graphonomics.net/igs2021) - **January 10** Paper registration submission [ICPR 2022](https://www.icpr2022.com) - **May** Paper submission [ICFHR 2022](http://icfhr2022.org/) Upcoming Conferences and Events ------------------------------- **2021** - [ACPR 2021](http://www.acpr2021.org). Jeju Island, Korea (November 9-12) **2022 and Later** - [DAS 2022](https://das2022.univ-lr.fr/). La Rochelle, France (May 22-25, 2022) - [IGS 2021](https://www.graphonomics.net/igs2021). Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (June 7-9, 2022) - [ICPR 2022](https://www.icpr2022.com). Montreal, Canada (August 21-25, 2022) - [ICFHR 2022](http://icfhr2022.org/). Hyderabad, India (December, 2022) - [ICDAR 2023](https://icdar2023.org). San José, USA (2023) - ICDAR 2024. Athens, Greece (2024). Conferences =========== Call for Hosting Proposals: ICDAR 2025 *(repost)* ------------------------------------------------- Deadline: February 28, 2022 Submission Method: Email to and The International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR) is the flagship event of TC10/11 which has been held bi-annually since its inception in 1991. The aim of ICDAR is to bring together international experts to share their experiences and to promote research and development in all areas of Document Analysis and Recognition. Since ICDAR will be organized as an annual event starting from 2024, the ICDAR Advisory Board is seeking proposals to host the 19th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, to be held in 2025 (ICDAR 2025). Any consortium interested in making a proposal to host an ICDAR should first familiarise themselves with the "Guidelines for Organizing and Bidding to Host ICDAR" document which is available on the TC10 and TC11 websites ( and , respectively). A link to the most current version of the guidelines appears below. Please check on the website of TC11 for the latest version. The submission of a bid implies full agreement with the rules and procedures outlined in that document. The submitted proposal must define clearly the items specified in the guidelines (Section 5.2). It has been the tradition that the location of ICDAR conferences follows a rotating schedule among different continents. Hence, proposals from Asia are strongly encouraged. However, high quality bids from other locations, for example, from countries where we have had no ICDAR before, will also be considered. Proposals will be examined by the ICDAR Advisory Board. Proposals should be emailed to Dr Faisal Shafait at and Dr Jean-Christophe Burie at by February 28, 2022. **ICDAR Advisory Board,** **Faisal Shafait (Chair, TC11), Jean-Christophe Burie (Chair, TC10), Elisa Barney Smith (Chair, IAPR C&M), Koichi Kise, C V Jawahar, Dimosthenis Karatzas** Call for Papers: 15th International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2022) *(repost)* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22-25 May, 2022 - La Rochelle, France **Important Dates** Jan 4, 2022: Paper submission deadline Feb 21-28, 2022: Authors’ response period (including rebuttal) Mar 8, 2022: Notification of acceptance Apr 1, 2022: Camera ready papers due **Overview** DAS 2022 is the 15th international IAPR-sponsored workshop dedicated towards system-level approaches and related challenges in document analysis and recognition. This includes models, methods, and relevant applications satisfying real-world engineering requirements. The workshop provides an exciting platform for interactions and high-level technical exchanges between industrial and academic communities. The DAS 2022 program will include invited talks, oral and poster paper presentations, tutorials, demonstrations, and working group discussions. DAS 2022 will be held in the historical city of La Rochelle located on the French Atlantic coast. La Rochelle is famous for its old port, stunning seaside views, urban beaches, and for the second largest private aquarium in Europe. Online/virtual participation will also be available for DAS 2022 authors and participants. DAS 2022 will accept both **full papers** (up to 15 pages, presented orally or by poster) and **short papers** (up to 4 pages, presented as posters or demonstrations). All paper submissions will undergo a rigorous review process that will consider the originality, quality of work, and presentation of ideas, and relevance to document analysis system research. Springer will publish accepted full papers as part of the workshop's LNCS proceedings, while short papers will be published separately in a companion booklet. **Topics and Technologies** - Document analysis systems - Document understanding - Layout analysis - Camera-based document analysis - Document analysis for digital humanities - Document analysis for libraries and archives - Document analysis for the internet - Document analysis for mobile devices - Document authentication - Document datasets - Document image watermarking - Document retrieval - Deep learning for document analysis systems - Information extraction from document images - Graphics recognition - Table and form processing - Mathematical expression recognition - Forensic document analysis - Historical document analysis - Multilingual document analysis - Multimedia document analysis - Pen-based input and its analysis - NLP for document analysis - Human document interaction - Authoring, annotation, and presentation systems - Performance evaluation - Applications **Submission Types** DAS 2022 submissions should be in Springer LNCS format, full and short paper submissions will be accepted, as described below. **Full papers** Full papers should describe complete works of original research. Authors are invited to submit original unpublished research papers, up to 15 pages length, that are not being considered in another forum. This restriction does not apply to unpublished technical reports or papers included in self-archive repositories (departmental, arXiv.org, etc.) that are not peer-reviewed. **Short papers** Short papers provide an opportunity to report on research in progress, to present demos and novel positions on document analysis systems. Authors may submit short papers (up to 4 pages in length). Short papers will also undergo review and will appear in an extra booklet, not in the official DAS2022 proceedings. **Jean-Marc Ogier (General Chair)** **Jean-Christophe Burie, Mickaël Coustaty, Antoine Doucet (Conference Chairs)** Call for Papers: 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2022) *(repost)* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 21-25, 2022 Montreal, Canada [PDF version of this call](https://www.icpr2022.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/2021-07-14-ICPR-2022-Call-for-papers-2.pdf) **Important Dates** Jan 10 Paper registration deadline Jan 17 Paper submission deadline Mar 14 Acceptance/Rejection/Revision decision Apr 11 Revision/rebuttal deadline May 09 Final decision on submissions Jun 06 Camera ready manuscript deadline Jun 06 Early bird registration deadline ICPR 2022 is the premier world conference in Pattern Recognition. It covers both theoretical issues and applications of the discipline. We solicit original research for publication in the main conference. Topics of interest include all aspects of Pattern Recognition, not limited to the following detailed list: **Track 1: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning for Pattern Analysis:** - Classification and clustering - Statistical learning theory - Syntactic and structural pattern recognition - Neural network architectures and models - Graph models - Deep learning - Representation learning - Online learning and continual learning - Supervised, unsupervised, self-supervised and semi-supervised learning - Transfer learning and meta learning - Multi-modal and multi-view learning - Active and ensemble learning - Reinforcement learning - Compressed sensing and sparse representation - Large scale learning and big data - Recurrent networks, temporal models and non-feed-forward methods - Low-shot and long-tailed learning - Generative models **Track 2: Computer Vision and Robotic Perception:** - Early and low-level vision - Stereo and 3D vision - Multiple view geometry - Object detection and recognition - Motion, tracking and video analysis - Deformable models and registration - Learning for vision - Scene analysis and understanding - Action and behavior recognition - Vision and language - Perception for autonomous navigation and/or driving - Vision for robotics, robot navigation and SLAM - Perceptually driven reinforcement learning **Track 3: Image, Video, Speech, and Signal Analysis:** - Sensor array and multichannel signal processing - Image and video processing - Enhancement, restoration and filtering - Segmentation, features and descriptors - Coding, compression and super-resolution - Speech and speaker recognition - Audio and acoustic processing - Computational photography - Models, representations, and techniques for image mining - Image analysis with ill-structured and spatial information **Track 4: Biometrics and Human-Machine Interaction:** - Hard biometrics: face, iris, fingerprint, palmprint - Soft biometrics: skin, hair, ear, vein, facial expression - Gait and behavior - Multi-biometrics - Person identification and re-identification - Human-robot interaction - Brain-computer interfaces - Social robotics - Human body motion and gesture-based interaction - Speech and natural language-based interaction - Affective computing - Surveillance and security - Ethics and fairness issues in the use of biometrics **Track 5: Document and Media Analysis:** - Text and symbol recognition - Handwritten text recognition - Document image analysis - Document understanding - Natural language processing - Scene text detection and recognition - Graphics recognition - Content based image retrieval and data mining - Visual question and answering - Multimedia document analysis - Media analysis for augmented and virtual reality - Multimodal fusion - Table detection, recognition, and structure extraction - Video text detection and recognition - Human-document interaction **Track 6: Biomedical Image Analysis and Informatics:** - Data-driven modeling of clinical care - Clinical predictive modeling - Biostatistics - Biomedical imaging techniques - Quantitative microscopy - Medical image analysis - Interactive segmentation - Visualization and 3D printing - Medical applications - Submission guidelines **Submission Guidelines** ICPR 2022 will employ a two-round review process. Papers must be registered prior to submission and all submissions take place through the PaperCept Conference Management Submission. Papers submitted by the paper deadline will be reviewed using single-blind peer review. Authors are required to include their names and affiliations in their paper as illustrated in the sample paper templates. Submissions must identify the preferred track among the six conference tracks. The result of the first review round will either be accept (possibly with recommended changes), reject, or revise to resubmit for a second review round. Accepted papers will be published by IEEE and be available in IEEE Xplore. Submissions must be limited to six pages plus additional pages for references. **IAPR Ethical Requirements for Authors** IAPR requires that all authors wishing to present a paper declare that: - The paper is substantially original and that no paper substantially similar in content has been submitted or will be submitted to any other conference or journal during the review period. - The paper does not contain any plagiarism. - The paper will be presented by the author or a co-author in person or online. - IAPR retains the right to eliminate any papers in violation of these requirements and to exclude the authors of such papers from future IAPR community activities. For the full statement of IAPR ethical requirements for authors, see the webpage . In case of no-show, where neither an author nor a proxy presents the paper at the conference, ICPR 2022 reserves the right to exclude the paper from distribution and publication after the conference by removal from IEEE Xplore. Call for Papers: 20th Conference of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS 2021) *(repost)* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conference Title: *Intertwining Graphonomics with Human Movements* Conference Venue: Museo Elder, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain Conference Dates: **June 7-9, 2022 (On-site)** Deadline for Submissions: **January 8, 2022** Website: **First Call for Papers** We are pleased to announce the twentieth edition of the biennial conference of the *International Graphonomics Society* that will take place from 7 to 9 June 2022 in the "Elder museum of science and technology" in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. The overall objective of this conference is to provide a single track space of discussion about the graphonomic impact trends in other skilled human movements and vice versa. To this aim, IGS2021 is intended to be a stimulating conference to encourage research and discussion from an interdisciplinary point of view. **Topics of interest (but not limited to) are:** - Neuroscience - Handwriting generation, analysis and recognition - Biometrics: writer identification and signature verification - Symbol, Equation, Sketch and Drawing - Human Computer Interaction - Sports movements assessment - Medical applications - Forensic applications - Cultural Heritage applications - Large digital archives - 2D/3D Kinematics analysis - Creativity, cognitive and brain-inspired art Authors are invited to submit original contributions. Guidelines for submission and camera ready format are available on the website: Careers ======= IRISA/INSA Rennes (France): Research Engineer/PostDoc Position (2.5 Years) *(repost)* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Combining Deep and Syntactical Models for a Self-adaptive Optical Music Recognition System applied on Historical Orchestra Scores** **Pdf version** **Important Dates** December 1, 2021 (or later) - July 31, 2024 Contract period **IRISA - Intuidoc** IRISA is a joint research center for Informatics, including Robotics and Image and Signal Processing. 850 people, 40 teams, explore the world of digital sciences to find applications in healthcare, ecology-environment, cyber-security, transportation, multimedia, and industry. INSA Rennes is one of the 8 trustees of IRISA. The Intuidoc team () conducts research on the topic of document image recognition. Since many years, the team proposes a system, called DMOS-PI method, for document structure analysis of documents. This DMOS-PI method is used for document recognition, or field extraction in archive documents, handwritten contents damaged documents (musical scores, archives, newspapers, letters, electronic schema, etc.). **Collabscore project** Collabscore is a project founded by ANR (French Research National Agency), led by the CNAM. The goal is to study ancient scores provided by the BNF (Bibliothèque National de France) and Royaumont foundation. Collabscore is a multidisciplinary project. The first task consists in improving OMR (Optical Music Recognition) results using learning techniques. The second action will focus on methods for automatic alignment of the scored score with other multimodal sources. The last one will set up demonstrators based on notated scores at two of the project partners, representative, in various ways, of institutions in charge of musical heritage collections (BnF and Fondation Royaumont). Intuidoc team focuses on the first task of musical score recognition. **Position to be filled** - Position: Post-doctoral fellow / Research Engineer - Time commitment: Full-time - Duration of the contract: up to 32 months, starting as soon a possible - Supervisors: Bertrand Coüasnon, Aurélie Lemaitre, Yann Soullard - Indicative salary: Up to €36 000 gross annual salary (according to experience), with social security benefits - Location: IRISA - Rennes, France **Missions** The post-doctoral/engineer fellow will work on the conception of a OMR system. Based on previous works of our research team, the goal of this position is to enrich an existing system (DMOS-PI) to get a complete OMR system for historical orchestra scores. The tasks are mainly: - define a grammatical description of musical notation, using the existing DMOS-PI method; - generate unsupervised data for training musical symbols recognizers; - create a gradual mechanism for adapting the system to new partitions; - integrate anomaly detection into the system. Logical programming from grammars and languages is expected in this work. Machine Learning methods, especially Deep learning-based approaches, will be used to solve some of the tasks, as done in our previous works on music symbol detection. **Applicant Requirements** - PhD, Master degree or Engineering degree in computer science - Experience in document recognition or statistical analysis. - Skills in grammars and languages and/or logical programming are nice-to-have, as well as knowledge of music notation. - Knowledge in deep learning with an experience with at least one library dedicated to deep learning (Keras, Tensorflow, Pytorch) are expected. Candidates should contact via email: Bertrand Coüasnon (), Aurélie Lemaitre () and Yann Soullard (). **Bertrand Coüasnon, Director, Media and Interactions Department (IRISA)** Datasets ======== TC11 Datasets Repository *(repost)* ----------------------------------- TC11 maintains a collection of datasets that can be found online in the [TC11 Datasets Repository](http://www.iapr-tc11.org/mediawiki/index.php/Datasets). If you have new datasets (e.g., from competitions) that you wish to share with the research community, please use the [online upload form](http://tc11.cvc.uab.es/upload/). For questions and support, please contact the TC11 Dataset Curator (contact information is below). **Joseph Chazalon (TC11 Dataset Curator)** ( ) Contributions and Subscriptions ================================== **Call for Contributions:** To contribute news items, please send a short email to the editor, [Andreas Fischer](mailto:andreas.fischer@hefr.ch). Contributions might include conference and workshop announcements or reports, career opportunities, book reviews, or anything else of interest to the TC11 community. **Subscription:** This newsletter is sent to subscribers of the IAPR TC11 mailing list. To join the TC11 mailing list, please click on [this link](https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=iapr-tc11&A=1). To manage your subscription, please visit the [mailing list homepage](https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=IAPR-TC11). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IAPR TC11 HOMEPAGE: [http://www.iapr-tc11.org](http://www.iapr-tc11.org) The IAPR is the International Association for Pattern Recognition. IAPR's Technical Committee No. 11 (TC11) includes researchers and practitioners working with Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and more generally the analysis and recognition of information in documents.