IAPR TC-11 Newsletter
July 2015
========== Contents ========================================================
* Message from the Editor
* Dates 'n' Deadlines
- DRR 2016, San Francisco, USA August 15
- DAS 2016, Santorini, Greece September 25
* New and Recently Published Datasets
* Announcements:
- ICDAR Workshops: CBDAR / MOCR / AFHA
(Change of Date / Change of Location / Registration Open)
* Call for Papers:
- 23rd Int. Conf. on Document Recognition and Retrieval (DRR XXIII),
San Francisco, USA, Feb 15-18, 2016
* Call for Dataset Submissions
* Call for Contributions
========== Message from the Editor =========================================
Welcome to the July edition of our newsletter. As you will probably already
know by now, for safety reasons ICDAR 2015 and all its satellite events
have been relocated to Nancy, France. The main conference will take place
from August 24 to 26. All satelite workshops and the ICDAR 2015 Doctoral
Consortium will take place on the weekend before the main conference, i.e.,
on August 22 and 23. More information can also be found on the ICDAR 2015
Especially, please note the announcement below concering the changed dates
for the CBDAR, MOCR, and AFHA workshops for which now also the registration
is open with adjusted fee structure.
Furthermore, this newsletter brings to you the Call for Papers for the 23rd
Int. Conference on Document Recognition and Retrieval - DRR XXIII which will be
held from February 15 to 18, 2016, in San Francisco, USA. Please note that the
deadline for paper submission is already on August 15.
Looking forward to meeting you all in Nancy!
Gernot A. Fink, IAPR TC-11 Newsletter Editor
========== Dates 'n' Deadlines =============================================
Event/Location/Web: Event Date: Deadline (paper submission):
* DRR 2016, San Francisco, USA Feb 15-18, 2016 August 15
* DAS 2016, Santorini, Greece April 11-14, 2016 September 25
(http://www.primaresearch.org/das2016) (abstract)
* CVPR 2016, Las Vegas, United States June 26-July 1, 2016 November 6
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* ICDAR 2015, Nancy, France August 23-26, 2015 - passed -
- Doctoral Consortium: August 23 - passed -
* HIP 2015 in conjunction with ICDAR August 22 - passed -
* CBDAR 2015 in conjunction with ICDAR August 23 - passed -
* AFHA 2015 in conjunction with ICDAR August 23 - passed -
* BTAS 2015, Arlington, Virginia , USA September 8 - 11 - passed -
* ACPR 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia November 3-6, 2015 - passed -
* ICCV 2015, Santiago, Chile December 13-16, 2015 - passed -
========== New and Recently Published: TC-11 Datasets ======================
For a list of all datasets available visit:
===== CBDAR / MOCR / AFHA - Change of Date & Location / Registration Open ==
The 6th International Workshop on Camera Based Document Analysis and
Recognition (CBDAR 2015), the 5th International Workshop on Multilingual OCR
(MOCR 2015) and the 4th Int. Workshop on Automated Forensic Handwriting
Analysis (AFHA 2015) will be organised in a single track on Sunday 23rd of
August at the Brasserie Excelsior (Nancy) only a few steps away from the
ICDAR 2015 Prouvé Congress Center and in immediate vicinity of the train
Registered participants will be able to attend to all three workshops, with
a single registration.
The registrations for ICDAR workshops are now open, with updated fee
structures. Please visit the registration page of the main conference to
register to workshops and other satellite events:
Please see the workshops' Web sites for further information:
CBDAR 2015: http://www.cvc.uab.es/cbdar2015/?c=home
MOCR 2015: http://www.cubs.buffalo.edu/MOCR2015/
AFHA 2015: http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/afha2015/index.html
========== Call for Papers: DRR ============================================
We are pleased to announce that the
*23rd International Conference on *
*Document Recognition and Retrieval* - *DRR XXIII
(http://drr2016.loria.fr/ )
will take place *Feb 15-18, 2016*, San Francisco, at the Hilton, Union
Document Recognition and Retrieval (DRR) is a long-standing international
conference devoted to current research in document analysis, recognition
and retrieval, and has a tradition of drawing strong researchers to
California for an enjoyable mid-winter gathering to share their results.
The 23rd Document Recognition and Retrieval Conference will be held as part
of the IS&T Electronic Imaging Symposium, and will take place for two days
during the week of 15-18 February 2016 in San Francisco, California, USA.
We invite you to submit your recent work to *DRR'16
**. *Important dates follow.
*Important Dates:*
August 15, 2015: Paper submission
September 11, 2015: Short Presentation Submission
October, 2015: Notification of Acceptance
February 15-18, 2016: Conference
Please feel free to share this announcement with your colleagues and those
who would benefit from attending *DRR'16 *.
For the *DRR'16* Organizing Committee,
- Bill Barrett
========== Call for Dataset Submissions ====================================
We would like to remind you that the TC10 and TC11 welcome contributions of
new datasets or other resources related to the community. We would like to
particularly encourage authors of articles that introduce new datasets,
software or other material to submit such material to TC11 for hosting.
Please check the TC11 site on information about how to submit datasets for
archiving (
http://www.iapr-tc11.org/mediawiki/index.php/Datasets) also feel free to
contact Marcus Liwicki, the TC11 dataset curator, for any doubts you
might have on the process.
Marcus Liwicki, TC-11 Dataset Curator
========== Call for Contributions ==========================================
This newsletter needs your support in order to provide useful information
to the TC11 community. Therefore, please contribute relevant news by sending
a short notice to the newsletter editor Gernot A. Fink .
Such news could be the obvious announcements of conferences and workshops,
job opportunities, reports on past conferences, book reviews, or anything
that might be of interest to a wider audience involved in the construction of
reading systems.
========== Subscription Information ========================================
This newsletter is sent to subscribers of the IAPR TC11 mailing list. To
manage your subscription, please visit the mailing list homepage at:
The homepage for IAPR TC11 is http://www.iapr-tc11.org