IAPR TC-11 Newsletter
May 2011
========== Contents ========================================================
* Message from the Editor
* Dates 'n' Deadlines
- GREC 2011, Seoul, June 5 (extended!)
* Call for Nominations:
- ICDAR 2011 Awards (repost, deadline: June 15, 2011!)
- IAPR King-Sun Fu Prize (deadline: April 6, 2012)
* Call for Proposals to Host ICDAR 2015 (repost, deadline: June 1, 2011!)
* Calls for Papers
- AND 2011 (at ICDAR 2011), September 17
- GREC 2011, Seoul, September 15-16 (updated)
- HIP 2011 (at ICDAR 2011), September 16-17 (updated)
* Call for Participation
- Historical Document Layout Analysis Competition at HIP and ICDAR2011
(includes extended deadline: registration May 27, submission June 3)
* Call for Contributions
========== Message from the Editor =========================================
Welcome to the May edition of our TC-11 newsletter. As this year's key event
for the TC-11 community, ICDAR 2011, is approaching, I would like to draw
your attention to the Call for ICDAR Award nominations (deadline June 15)
and the Call for Hosting proposals for ICDAR 2015 (deadline June 1). In
conjunction with ICDAR quite a few workshops will be organized. For some of
them (AND, GREC, HIP) you will find new or updated Calls for Papers in this
edition. Please note, that GREC is the only workshop that will *not* be
colocated with ICDAR (it will take place in Seoul, Korea) and that the
deadline for submitting papers to GREC was extended to June 5.
Furthermore, this newsletter also brings to you the Call for Nominations for
IAPR's prestigious King-Sun Fu Prize. The Awards Committee will be chaired
by last years recipient, Professor Horst Bunke.
Last but not least, you will find below the Call for Participation for
the Historical Document Layout Analysis Competition which will be jointly
organized by ICDAR and HIP 2011. The submission deadline for this competition
was extended to June 3.
Best regards,
Gernot A. Fink, IAPR-TC11 Newsletter Editor
========== Dates 'n' Deadlines =============================================
Event/Location/Web: Event Date: Deadline (paper submission):
* ICDAR 2011, Beijing September 18-21 ---
- Doctoral Consortium: July 1
* GREC 2011, Seoul September 15-16 June 5 (ext.)
* IJCB 2011, Washington, DC October 11-13 May 27
* HIP 2011 (at ICDAR 2011) September 16-17 June 10
* MOCR 2011 (at ICDAR 2011) September 17 June 10
* AND 2011, (at ICDAR 2011) September 17 June 14
* CBDAR 2011, (at ICDAR 2011) September 22 June 15
* AFHA 2011, (at ICDAR 2011) September 17-18 June 15
* DAS 2012, Gold Coast, Australia March 27-29, 2012 September 30
========== Call for Nominations: ICDAR 2011 Awards (repost) ================
Nominations Due: June 15, 2011
The ICDAR Award Program is an established program designed to recognize
individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of
Document Analysis
and Recognition in one or more of the following areas:
o Research
o Training of students
o Research/Industry interaction
o Service to the profession
Every two years, two awards categories are presented. Namely, the
IAPR/ICDAR Young Investigator Award (less than 40 years old at the time
the award is made), and the IAPR/ICDAR Outstanding Achievements Award.
Each award will consist of a token gift and a suitably inscribed
certificate. The recipient of the Outstanding Achievements award will be
invited to give the opening key note speech at the current ICDAR
conference, introduced by the recipient from the previous conference.
Nominations are invited for the 2011 ICDAR Awards in both categories.
The nomination packet should include the following:
1. A nominating letter (1 page) including a brief citation to be
included in the certificate.
2. A brief vitae (2 pages) of the nominee highlighting the
accomplishments being recognized.
3. Supporting letters (1 page each) from 3 active researchers from at
least 3 different countries.
A nomination is usually put forward by a researcher (preferably from a
different Institution than the nominee) who is knowledgeable of the
scientific achievements of the nominee, and who organizes letters of support.
Submission procedure is strictly confidential, and self nominations are
not allowed.
Please send these, preferably as a single pdf file, to
jean-marc.ogier@univ-lr.fr. Deadline for receipt of nominations is June
15th, 2011 but early submissions are strongly encouraged. For further
information, please contact:
Pr Jean-Marc Ogier
email : jean-marc.ogier@univ-lr.fr
Université de La Rochelle
Pôle Sciences et Technologie
Laboratoire L3i,
Avenue Michel Crépeau
17042 La Rochelle cédex 1 FRANCE
The final decision will be made by the Awards Committee which is
composed of the following members :
Jean-Marc Ogier, France (Chair)
Fujisawa-san, Japan
Horst Bunke, Switzerland
Dave Doermann, USA
Katrin Franke, Norway
Koichi Kise, Japan
Josep Llados, Spain
Dan Lopresti, USA
Umapada Pal, India
Liu Wenyin, China
For the ICDAR 2011 Awards Committee,
Jean-Marc Ogier (TC 10 Chair)
Dan Lopresti (TC 11 Chair)
========== Call for Nominations: IAPR King-Sun Fu Prize ====================
The King-Sun Fu Prize
The International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) is pleased
to announce a call for nominations for the King-Sun Fu Prize in honor of
the memory of Professor King-Sun Fu. (Professor Fu's biography appeared
in the IEEE Trans. PAMI, May 1986 and is also available in pdf form at
http://dataclustering.cse.msu.edu/KSFu_Biography.pdf .)
Professor Fu was instrumental in the founding of IAPR, served as its
first president, and is widely recognized for his extensive
contributions to the field of pattern recognition.
This biennial prize is given to a living person in recognition of an
outstanding technical contribution to the field of pattern recognition,
and consists of a cash amount and a suitably inscribed certificate. The
prize is derived from interest income from a special fund set up for
this purpose.
The nomination must be made by a member of a national member society of
IAPR and by endorsement of at least five members, representing at least
two member societies different from that of the nominator. The prize
recipient shall be selected by the Prize Committee, subject to approval
by the IAPR Governing Board. Members of the IAPR Executive Committee, as
well as of the Prize Committee, shall be ineligible for the prize and
may not serve as nominators or endorsers.
The 2012 prize will be presented at the
21th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
Tsukuba Science City, Japan
November 11 - 15, 2012
The nomination must be made on special nomination and endorsement forms,
and must be received by the Prize Committee Chairman no later than April
6, 2012. Completed and signed nomination and endorsement forms must be
submitted in electronic form. The nominator as well as endorsers should
send their completed forms by email to the chairman of the Prize Committee:
Prof. Horst Bunke
Chair, K-S. Fu Prize Committee
University of Bern, Switzerland
email: bunke@iam.unibe.ch
Endorsement and Nomination Forms can be retrieved from
Past winners of the K.-S. Fu Prize:
- 2010 (Istanbul): Professor Horst Bunke
- 2008 (Tampa): Professor Anil K. Jain
- 2006 (Hong Kong): Professor Josef Kittler
- 2004 (Cambridge, U.K.): Professor J. K. Aggarwal
- 2002 (Quebec City): Professor Thomas S. Huang
- 2000 (Barcelona): Professor Theo Pavlidis
- 1998 (Brisbane): Professor Jean-Claude Simon
- 1996 (Vienna): Professor Teuvo Kohonen
- 1994 (Jerusalem): Professor Herbert Freeman
- 1992 (The Hague): Professor Leveen Kanal
- 1990 (Atlantic City): Professor R.L. Kashyap
- 1988 (Rome): Professor Azriel Rosenfeld
========== Call for Proposals to Host ICDAR 2015 (repost) ==================
Deadline: June 1, 2011
Submission Method: email to lopresti@cse.lehigh.edu
The ICDAR Advisory Board is seeking proposals to host the 13th International
Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, to be held in 2015 (ICDAR2015).
ICDAR is the premier IAPR event in the field of Document Analysis and
Recognition with 300 to 500 participants. The aim of this conference is to
bring together international experts to share their experiences and to promote
research and development in all areas of Document Analysis and Recognition.
Any consortium interested in making a proposal to host an ICDAR should first
familiarise themselves with the "Guidelines for Organizing and Bidding to Host
ICDAR" document which is available on the TC10 and TC11 websites
(www.iapr-tc10.org and www.iapr-tc11.org, respectively). A link to the most
current version of the guidelines appears below:
The submission of a bid implies full agreement with the rules and procedures
outlined in that document.
The submitted proposal must define clearly the items specified in the
guidelines (Section 5.2).
It has been the tradition that the location of ICDAR conferences follows a
rotating schedule among different continents. ICDAR2011 will be held in
Beijing, China (Asia), and ICDAR2013 will be held in Washington, DC (the
Americas). Hence, for ICDAR2015, proposals from Europe are strongly encouraged,
however, high quality bids from other locations will also be considered.
Proposals will be examined by the ICDAR Advisory Board. Valid bids will then be
presented at the TC10/TC11 joint meeting held during ICDAR2011, where a ballot
will be conducted to determine the winning bid.
Proposals should be emailed to Dr. Daniel Lopresti at lopresti@cse.lehigh.edu
by June 1, 2011.
ICDAR Advisory Board
Prof. Jean-Marc Ogier (Chair, TC10)
Prof. Daniel Lopresti (Chair, TC11)
Dr. Simone Marinai (Chair, IAPR C&M Committee)
Prof. Andreas Dengel (Past Organiser)
Dr. Apostolos Antonacopoulos (Past Organiser and Editor of ICDAR Guidelines)
========== Call for Papers: AND 2011 =======================================
Fifth Workshop on
Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data (AND 2011)
In conjunction with
11th Int. Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR)
September 17th, 2011 Beijing, China
Noisy unstructured text data is ubiquitous and abundant in real-world
situations. Special handling of noise and noise-robust Information Retrieval
(IR) and Knowledge Management (KM) techniques are essential to overcome these
challenges. Contributions addressing the following areas (but not limited to)
are invited:
* Noise induced by document analysis techniques and its impact on
downstream applications
* Formal theory on characterization of noise
* Genre recognition based on the type of noise
* Robust parsing and Part of Speech (POS) tagging
* Characterizing, modelling and accounting for historical language change
* Methods for detecting and correcting errors in noisy text
* Information extraction and retrieval from noisy text data
* Automatic classification and clustering of noisy unstructured text data
* Noise-invariant document summarization techniques
* Machine Translation for noisy text
* Analyzing very short communications like those on Twitter
* Techniques for mining call-logs, transcribed calls, web logs, chat logs,
emails, tweets
* Business Intelligence (BI) applications dealing with noisy text data
* Surveys relating to noisy text analytics
Submission Guidelines
We invite papers up to 8 pages in length in the style specified at
(http://and2011.cse.lehigh.edu/). Accepted papers will be included in the ACM
Digital Library. There will be an award for the best Student Paper at AND2011.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission: June 7th, 2011
Paper Submission: June 14th, 2011
Notification of Acceptance: July 25th, 2011
Camera-Ready papers due: August 8th, 2011
Daniel Lopresti (lopresti@cse.lehigh.edu)
Christoph Ringlstetter (ciskristof@googlemail.com)
Shourya Roy (shourya.roy@xerox.com)
Lipika Dey (lipika.dey@tcs.com)
========== Call for Papers: GREC 2011 (updated) ============================
GREC 2011
9th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition
Sep 15-16, 2011
Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea*
Download pdf version
We are pleased to announce that the 9th International Workshop on
Graphics Recognition (GREC2011), organized by IAPR TC-10 (Technical
Committeeon Graphics Recognition), will be held at the Chung-Ang
University, Seoul, Korea on September 15-16, 2011, just before the 11th
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR
2011). The GREC workshops provide an excellent opportunity for
researchers and practitioners at all levels of experience to meet
colleagues and to share new ideas and knowledge about graphics
recognition methods. Graphics Recognition is a subfield of document
image analysis that deals with graphical entities in engineering
drawings, maps, architectural plans, musical scores, mathematical
notation,tables,diagrams, etc.
*Workshop Format*
The program will be organized in a single-track 2-day workshop. It will
comprise several sessions dedicated to specific topics. For each
session, there will be an invited presentation describing the state of
the art and stating the open questions for the session's topic, followed
by a number of short presentations that will contribute by proposing
solutions to some of the questions or presenting results of the
speaker's work. Each session will be concluded by a panel discussion.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to
* Raster-to-vector techniques.
* Recognition of graphical primitives.
* Recognition of graphic symbols in charts, diagrams, and drawings.
* Interpretation of engineering drawings, maps, tables, and other
graphical documents.
* Graphics-based information retrieval.
* Historical graphic indexing.
* 3-D models from multiple 2-D views (line drawings).
* Digital ink processing.
* Sketch recognition and understanding.
* Description of complete systems for interpretation of graphic
* Performance evaluation in graphics recognition.
* Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for graphics
multimedia documents
Extended abstracts or full paper have to be sent through the workshop
web site (two column format maximum 4 pages). Afterwards, authors of
accepted manuscript will be asked to send the full paper or revised
paper. The full text of all contributed papers will be available in
booklet distributed at the workshop. After the workshop, the program
committee plans to publish revised versions of selected papers as an
LNCS Volume, Springer Verlag or a IJDAR special issue.
*Important Dates*
Abstract Due: May 15, 2011
Acceptance Notification: June 20, 2011
Final Manuscript Due: July 24, 2011
Seoul is the capital and largest city of Korea with its history dating
back to 18BC. The University is located in the heart of the city, which
can be easily accessed by bus, sub-way and other public transportation
from the Incheon International Airport.
*Flight and Transportation Information:*
From Seoul (Korea) to Beijing (China), there are more than 10 direct
flights daily with various carriers in order to go to ICDAR
participants. Among them, Sky Team (www.skyteam.com
) or Star-Alliance (www.staralliance.com
) connections are recommended.
For example,
* Paris-Seoul-Beijing-Paris route is: Air France or Korean air
combination (Sky Team) is possible.
* New York-Seoul-Beijing-New York is: United-Asiana-United or Air
China combination (Star Alliance) is possible.
Note: The airfare is almost same prices with Beijing round trip !!.
Very limited number of small-dorm rooms on campus are reserved for the
workshop (around $35 per night) but the number of rooms are not enough -
most of them will be given for student participants. Hotel rooms will be
available on special rate for the workshop near the campus. (around $110
per night) Transportation from airport to hotel has a direct connection
with a metro with 45 minutes. Free bus shuttle between workshop place to
hotel will be provided.
Contests :
As at the past workshops, we plan to continue some kinds of contests on
graphics recognition at GREC'2011.
This year, 3 contests are oganized :
Event/Web Submission Due
* Arc Segmentation on GREC 2011 May 31 (submission)
* Symbol Recognition on GREC 2011 May 29 (pre-regist), Jul 22
* Music Scores on GREC/ICDAR 2011 May 15 (submission)
========== Call for Papers: HIP 2011 (updated) =============================
Call for Papers:
First International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (HIP)
Beijing, China, Sept. 16-17, 2011, (at ICDAR 2011)
HIP seeks to bring together archivists, curators and researchers, from private
industry, government, and academia, who are involved in all aspects of imaging,
collection and processing of historical documents. The workshop will feature a
keynote by Mr. ZHANG Zhiqing, Deputy Director of the National Library of China
(NLC) (http://www.nlc.gov.cn/en/service/acbooks.htm) Workshop attendees will
also participate in a post-workshop visit to the NLC to view a variety of
special collections.
HIP topics of interest include:
* Imaging and Image Acquisition
* Digital Archiving Considerations
* Historical Collections
* Document Restoration/Improving readability
* Content Extraction
* Family History Documents and Genealogies
* Automated Classification, Grouping and Hyperlinking of
Historical Documents
See http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~hdocp for full details.
Authors should submit original work using guidelines found at
http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~hdocp/. Accepted papers will be published in the
printed conference proceedings, available to participants at the workshop, and
electronically as part of the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series.
Important Dates:
June 10, 2011 Manuscripts due
July 10, 2011 Acceptance notification
August 10, 2011 Camera-ready manuscript due
August 10, 2011 Advance registration due
Full Registration USD $100
Student Registration USD $50
General Chairs:
William A. Barrett (Brigham Young University)
Michael S. Brown (National University of Singapore)
Program Chair:
R. Manmatha (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA)
Organizing Chair:
Jake Gehring (Manager, FamilySearch Data Operations, USA)
Ms. Long Wei (Research Librarian, National Library of China)
Program Committee:
Apostolos Antonacopoulos* Josep Lladós
Mohamed Cheriet Shijian Lu
Xiaoqing Ding Simone Marinai
David Doermann Heath Nielson
Scott Eldredge Liangrui Peng
Basilis Gatos Alexandra Psarrou
Venu Govindaraju Jack Reese
C.J. Jawahar Eric Ringger
LianWen Jin Zhixin Shi
George Landon Chew Lim Tan
Cheng-Lin Liu Eugene Walach
Historical Document Layout Analysis* For details visit:
========== Call for Participation: Hist. Doc. Layout Analysis Competition ==
Historical Document Layout Analysis Competition at HIP and ICDAR2011
** Deadline Extension **
The Historical Document Layout Analysis Competition follows the successful
running of all previous ICDAR Page Segmentation competitions (2001 to 2009).
The current competition focusses on historical documents, making use of a new
dataset created by the IMPACT project (http://www.impact-project.eu/).
Historical documents are of particular interest as they pose a number of
challenges and, at the same time, represent a very large proportion of printed
documents in existence. With the increasing number of digitisation projects
initiated by libraries world-wide, the problem of layout analysis of these
documents is very topical. The target of the competition is to evaluate
existing approaches using a realistic dataset and an objective performance
analysis system.
Following the endorsement of the competition by the ACM International Workshop
on Historical Document Imaging and Processing - HIP
(http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~hdocp/) as well as ICDAR2011, the organisers have
decided to amend the schedule in order to allow more people to participate.
Please be advised that:
- The registration deadline has been extended to May 27, 2011 and
- The submission deadline has been extended to June 3, 2011.
Registering for the competition will give you access to the resources available
for interested participants, which include:
- Instruction on what format your submission should be in, accompanied by
example class files you could incorporate to your system
- A number of example images and groundtruth files (expected results)
- A viewer for the groundtruth files provided
- The full evaluation set, comprising of 100 images representing both the main
libraries' holdings and the challenges they present
For more information and registration for the competition, visit
If you have any further questions, we would be happy to hear form you at:
Best regards,
The PRImA Historical Document Layout Analysis competition team
========== Call for Contributions ==========================================
This newsletter needs your support in order to provide useful information
to the TC11 community. Therefore, please contribute relevant news by sending
a short notice to the newsletter editor Gernot A. Fink .
Such news could be the obvious announcements of conferences and workshops,
job opportunities, reports on past conferences, book reviews, or anything
that might be of interest to a wider audience involved in the construction of
reading systems.
========== Subscription Information ========================================
This newsletter is sent to subscribers of the IAPR TC11 mailing list. To
manage your subscription, please visit the mailing list homepage at:
The homepage for IAPR TC11 is http://www.iapr-tc11.org