Each paper (oral or poster) appearing in the ICFHR 2010 technical program must be presented by an author at the conference. The organizers and the IEEE reserve the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the Conference by an author or a proxy. Please visit the site http://dev.conbrio.com/iapr/site/news/index.php#295 to see the IAPR Statement of Ethics and IAPR Ethical Requirements for Authors.

Oral Presentations

Each paper in an oral session is allocated 20 minutes. This includes time required for introduction of the speaker, as well as time (about 3-4 minutes) for questions from the audience. Therefore, authors are advised to prepare a 16-17-minute talk.

Lecture room will be equipped with a Laptop/Desktop, an LCD projector, a Screen for Display and a Pointer. Authors need to copy their presentations to the computer well in advance of the sessions in which their paper is to be presented.

Poster Presentations

Each poster paper will be provided with a board of maximum size of 3 ft 6 in Χ 5 ft 6 in (Height: 106.50 and Width: 167.50 cm cm). Preferred display mode is Landscape. Adhesive material will be provided for mounting the posters to the boards. A presenting author is expected to be available in front of the poster for the entire duration of the poster session.

Please, mount your poster before the lunch break and remove it after your poster session.

There is a poster teaser session before the poster presentation and in this session summary of a paper should be presented by its author. Each paper in this session is allocated about 90 seconds. So, the authors need to prepare one/two slides for their poster paper for the teaser session. The authors of poster papers are requested to send their one/two slides for the teaser session by 7th November 2010 by email (ranjumandal@gmail.com, icfhr2010@isical.ac.in). We will prepare a single file of the slides of all papers of a teaser session for quick presentation. The file name of your PPT slide file for teaser session should be the ID of the paper.