Forensic Signature Verification Competition: 4NSigComp2010



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In conjunction with the ICFHR 2010, a Forensic Signature Verification Competition with two different forensic scenario’s will be organized. The objective of the competition is to allow researchers and industries in the field to compare performances of their systems for signature verification on new unpublished forensic-like data.

For more details click here

Scenario 1: Detection of simulated and disguised signatures
This competition will be the first to relate system performances to the performance of forensic handwriting experts who gave their opinion on the authenticity of the signatures. Signatures can either be genuine (written by the reference writer), disguised (manipulated by the reference writer) or simulated (imitated by other writers than the reference writer).

Scenario 2: Detection of skilled versus non-skilled simulated signatures
This competition aims at evaluating the performances of signature verification systems in a security less critical environment. The questioned signatures can either be genuine (written by the reference writer), simulated (imitated by other writers than the reference writer) or random (genuine signatures of other writers) 

Registration :

All researchers willing to participate in the competition are requested to register themselves by sending an email (with Cc : ) to the contact person given below. In the subject of your email please indicate whether you want to register to Scenario 1, Scenario 2 or both.

Important Dates :

Deadline for registration (to receive training datasets):
March 31, 2010
Datasets will be made available : April 15, 2010
Deadline for submission of systems: May 14, 2010

4NSigComp2010 Competition Organizing Committee :

Marcus Liwicki Senior Researcher, DFKI - German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany

Michael Blumenstein

Associate Professor and Head of the School of Information and Communication Technology, Griffith University - Gold Coast, Australia

Bryan Found
Miguel A. Ferrer
Elisa van den Heuvel

Contacts :

Elisa van den Heuvel
